Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moroccan chicken legs

My grocery store often runs specials on chicken legs, so I'm always on the lookout for recipes that use them. This recipe for moroccan braised chicken legs with saffron onions and date relish is from Sunday Suppers at Lucques. The weather has really started to heat up, so this will probably be my last braised dish for awhile. The chicken legs are marinated in a spice blend overnight and braised with tomatoes, onion and fennel for about two hours. The chicken legs on their own are delicious, but what really makes the dish are the saffron onions and date relish. The onions are caramelized in butter with a little crushed saffron to add color and flavor. I've always loved dates, but I tend to eat them on their own, or in baked goods. This simple relish is a combination of sliced dates, olive oil, cilantro, parsley and lemon juice. The herbs and lemon juice really enchanced the flavor of the dates. I served this dish with fregola sarda that I tossed with a little bit of butter and herbs.

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