I've been reading Nina's Sweet Napa blog for a couple of years. When I started reading, she was a culinary student in Napa with a love for candymaking. Now, she's in Los Angeles and the owner of the BonBonBar company, which has been mentioned in both Gourmet and Bon Appetit magazines. I've really enjoyed watching her develop the business from the ground up, and I was able to meet her this weekend. I sampled quite a few of her products, which were all amazing, and couldn't resist getting a whole assortment of treats. She was even nice enough to bring me one of her limited edition Valentine's Day cherry bars.

My favorite candy bar is no longer made. It was a Caravelle.
In the late 60's/early 70's, I worked at a theater - concessions, ticket sales, payroll. One of the best candy bars I've ever eaten was the Caravelle bar. I used to take them from the concessions area and put them back in the ice machine.
And when I googled Caravelle bars, here's what I found:
"As a kid, back in the '70s, I'd mourned several bars: The Marathon, a simple rope of caramel covered in chocolate, which came in a bright red wrapper that included a ruler on the back, a ruler that was commonly used by those of us with male self-esteem issues. The Choco-Lite, whose tiny air pockets provided a piquant crunch, the oral analogue to stomping on bubble wrap. And, most persistently, the Caravelle, which combined chocolate, caramel, and crisped rice.
I realize these are the same ingredients as in the 100 Grand bar. But I can assure you the two shouldn't be compared. The 100 Grand always leaves me with a mouthful of rubbery caramel. The Cara-velle tasted more like a pastry: The chocolate was thicker, darker, full-bodied, and the crisped rice had a malty flavor and what I want to call structural integrity; the caramel was that rarest variety, dark and lustrous and supple, with hints of fudge. More so, there was a sense of the piece yielding to the mouth. By which I mean, one had to work the teeth through the sturdy chocolate shell, which gave way with a distinct, moist snap, through the crisped rice (thus releasing a second, grainy bouquet), and only then into the soft caramel core. Oh, that inimitable combination of textures! That symphony of flavors!
Around the time I was starting high school, the Caravelle mysteriously disappeared from the racks, which meant that I spent countless hours describing it to one or another bemused shopkeeper, girlfriend, therapist. I was frantic, inconsolable, really annoying.
The disappearance of all these delicacies caused me to start asking a larger question: How is it that candy bars go extinct? The basic answer here is late-model capitalism. Big guys buy out little guys, or drive them out of business, and their candy bars go the way of the dodo. Caravelle's disappearance, for example, dates back to the acquisition of Peter Paul by Cadbury in 1988."
Ahhh. The Caravelle bar.
Sweet memories, indeed.
my favorite candy bar? the hershey's white chocolate (cookies 'n creme) bar .*sigH* :)
What a fun giveaway! I <3 Almond Joys!!!
As a kid my favorite candy bar was a Milkyway...now I have found the Lindtz bar with chili - yum!
Reese's...gotta have my PB and chocolate makes it that much better =)
I'd love to win some free chocolate! I too loved the Marathon bar. My favorite is a Lindor truffle I can only find at Christmastime. It has creamy milk chocolate on the outside and soft white chocolate in the middle.
I love Reese's especially during Haloween time. Did you have a great time in LA? You know I love reading about restaurants, so I am really looking forward to reading about your restaurant reviews!
I'd have to say PayDay, since I'm allergic to chocolate. Before I found out I was allergic, it was Milky Ways.
Reeses peanut butter cups!!
Hey Sara, my favorite kind of candy bar is one with nuts and not-too-sweet. I don't know if not-too-sweet exists but maybe BonBonBar will make one. =)
You are an adventurer arent you! I love the roasted carrots I am making that tonight. I love UNO Candy Bars, hard to find but a childhood favorite.
What a fantastic giveaway!
My favorite candy bar is a relatively new one: Take 5. It has everything in this world that I love - caramel, peanut butter, pretzels, chocolate,....I can't remember the 5th ingredient :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. My favorite candy bar is anything with chocolate! In my younger days, I practically lived off Hershey's Chocolate Bar with Almonds and now I've graduated to Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. :)
Sounds like a great trip and what a cool giveaway! Hmm favorite candy bar...dove dark chocolate!
My daughter brings me home Mars bars once in a while - I know they are low brow, but I like them!
Other than that - there was a fruit and nut one - maybe hersheys? that I quite liked.
My most favorite candy bar is .. Mr. Goodbar, cant beat milk chocolate and peanuts!! Thanks for the chance
my favorite candy bar is this brand called cote d' or...thanks for sharing your bonbonbars!
Almond Joy or anything with caramel.
Twixs unless M&Ms count as a candy bar.
Those BonBon bars look great!
My favorite candy bar is chocolate Charleston Chew.
I love M&M's actually wish I had some right now.
What a great giveaway.
I love caramilk. It's chocolate with caramel in the center. So good.
How sweet of you to do a give-a-way! I love candy. :) I would have to say my favorite candy bar is a Reesecup. Just love peanut butter and chocolate together. But I also love chocolate and caramel. Do I have to choose one? I also love mounds and almond joys.
Thanks so much for stopping by my place- I love your blog! My favorite candy bar is a caramello. Love it! Chocolate plus caramel makes my day better.
I love snickers and almond joys...now I need some now that you have me thinking about candy!
Has to be mint Aero bars. I love the texture. Mmmmm.
Mmmmmm!! My favorite candy bar is Milky Way Dark! I loved the regular MW, but when they came out with one covered in dark chocolate.... ooohhhhh yeah baby!!!
I guess if you put a gun to my head I would have to say Almond Joy is my favorite candy bar. Although, there are so many more that are contenders!
Love the give-away!
I love a crisp Heath Bar!
Oh yum!! What a great giveaway! I love Heath bars!
I love snickers but I'd take a dark chocolate bar any day. Yum!
You are so sweet and generous Sara, I can't wait until you open up your own food place, just like Nina (or Michael Chiarello)! (And this comment is not in the running for the prize, it is just to say hello.)
The See's Candy "peanut brittle " bar is to die for!! Just the right combo of crispy peanut brittle covered in wonderful chocolate.
I don't think I have a favorite candy bar. I like all kinds, but I'll go ahead and list a few of my many favorites: Dove dark chocolate, Reece's, Snickers, and Butterfinger. I'm not one to turn down any candy bar...
I am not very original in this department. My biggest candy bar craving is (drum roll please), Snickers. I just love it cause it is packed with peanuts and it really satisfies me!
What a wonderful giveaway!
wow, yum, those look good! my favorite candy bar is a Heath Bar :)
Hi Sara, I'm glad that I got to discover your blog. Michael Chiarello, I love that guy, how cool! You have some fun stuff here!
Kit Kats are my ALL TIME favorite candy bar. I could eat ten a day if my waistline could handle it!
Caramilk. I love the caramel insides. I think it's so cool to have followed someone for so long and to see them rise in sucess.
Hi Sara,
Well my favorite chocolate is Chocolate Truffles. I'll take a truffle over any chocolate bar any day. But, I guess if I have to pick a chocolate bar I would say a Milky Way Bar.
I have to say, I don't eat a lot of candy. And if I were to tell you a favorite it would be something British, like Walnut Whips, which no one here has heard of. But I do wish your friend lots of success in her business venture.
Oh Take 5 all the way!
how nice to see a business grow after it started from one's kitchen... :) and i just have to say i'm so envious of your lemon tree... how lovely!!! pie looks great too... :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I loooove candy (see blog name) and would be hard pressed to pick my favorite candy bar. Reese's cup is at the top, followed by Hershey's with almonds, peanut M&Ms, and Symphony bars.
Hi Sara! Thanks for the comment :) I can't wait to check out all your yummy posts! As for my favorite candy bar... it would have to be a Reese's peanut butter cup... or if it HAS to be a bar their FastBreak bar. YUM!
Hi Sara!!! Oh wow, this is very generous of you!!!! I would have to say as a child I loved Cadbury, esp the one with extra milk, and around Easter, I would scour looking for my favorite candy coated Cadbury eggs.
I also remember Skor candy bar was a huge hit with me too, especially the Carmel With buttery toffee enrobed in milk chocolate, this bar is a distinctively rich treat. -- is it obvious I was a 1987 kid.. hehe
As I got older my favorite became Lindt in the US the Chili bar... and Pistachio, then In Japan I became fond of Lotte and Lindt Japan esp Green Tea Chocolate bar and Earl Grey, Cadbury England... YUM
Thts really 'sharing the love' coz ur sharing chocolates!
thanks !
my favourite is (as of now) that is Doves' crispies.
if you're gonna absolutely force me to choose, i pick milky way midnight. good stuff. :)
My favorite candy bar is a Hershey Bar (no almonds), but then I haven't tried a BonBonBar yet ;)
Favorite candy bar? I'd have to go with a Whatchamacallit. Do they even make those anymore? I loved them!
What a fun giveaway...I love chocolate in all forms so it is difficult to name just one...but if I had to, I would say 3musketeers !
I'm a purist - dark chocolate :)
I LOVE M&M's, though not really a candy bar. Next up is Twix!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you'll come back soon :-)
I love this! My favorite candy bar would have to be the Take 5 (mentioned above), but if it could be any candy, then definately Reese's Pieces. Ever since I saw ET I've been hooked. Thanks Again!
My favorite candybar is a butterfinger... oh and a kitkat, and a heath bar, and a mr. goodbar. oh boy. so good, all of them!
Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello!!! Nice giveaway. My fav has to be Twix!!!!
I love anything that is dark chocolate with nuts and fruit. Or dark chocolate with chilis. I know, I am weird...
How fun to finally meet a fellow foodie who's career you saw develop!
My favorite candy bar is an Abba Zaba... chewy taffy filled with a rich creamy peanut butter center.
I think I like it so much because it reminds me of another favorite growing up the Italian nougat candy, Torrone.
Oh, my hubby would love these!
My favorite candy bar is a Heath bar!
I don't know if I quality being outside the US but my favourite is the Dime bar. It's terribly addictive though! :P
Kit Kat
Ooh, those might be worth getting my fillings pulled out for :P
My FAVORITE candy bar is Ritter Sport with butter biscuit. (I have no idea why them call them sport). They are so naughty, the package says it's 3 servings, yeah right!
my favorite bar would have to be Lydia's organics. They are not really "candy bars" but yeah! healthy yet really delicious~
Yay! A give-away! Favorites are always so so difficult for those of us who really love to eat! I may have to say Nestlé's Crunch in a pinch, though lately I have been eating a local French bar found in the supermarket that is milk chocolate filled with salty creamy caramel (caramel made with salted butter is a local specialty and often paired with chocolate).
OOOOOH candy!!! Love a skor bar. Especially when it's just a bit on the almost melty side.
What a delectable giveaway!
My favourite (kid) candy bar is a Butterfinger (I grew up watching the Bart Simpson commercials!). As an adult though, I've learnt to love Brockmann's Truffini chocolate bars. They're a local company, and have flavours like Peanut Butter, Italian Hazelnut, and since they are local, I know a couple stores that stock them fresh - it is *so good* having a melt-in-your-mouth Italian Hazelnut bar! (I have an empty wrapper in my work desk right now!)
Thanks for the comment! The sushi was great. I'm glad to live in a city with great sushi.
I love anything chocolate. Sometimes I crave a Snickers, every once in a while I want a peanut butter cup, and a Heath bar is fabulous all the time. But my staple is dark, dark, chocolate with almonds. Very satisfying!
Mmmm! My favorite candy bar would have to be a caramello bar or toblerone! Talk about yummy! :)
Reese's is the best!
I love all chocolate, but especially Almond Joy and Dove Dark Chockolate Bars. Yummy!
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