Braised endive with prosciutto
Adapted from All About Braising
Serves 3-4 as a side, 2 as a main course
4 heads of belgian endive, cut in half lengthwise
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup chicken stock
3 slices of prosciutto
1 tablespoon of heavy cream
salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Melt the butter over medium heat; add the endives, cut side down. Cook the endives until browned, about 4-5 minutes. Transfer the endives to a greased baking dish; arrange in a single layer, cut side up. Season the endives with salt and pepper. Tear the prosciutto slices into small pieces; arrange the prosciutto over the top of the endives. Pour the chicken stock into the dish. Cover the dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove the foil and pour the cream over the endives. Return the dish to the oven and bake, uncovered, for another 10 minutes. Spoon the sauce from the bottom of the dish over the endives. Taste for seasoning and serve.

Oh my, Sara. That looks delicious.
I'm always looking for ways to cook endive. Thanks!
i've never had braised endives - this looks delicious
Hi Sara,
yes, we make homemade sausages every
winter holidays from fresh pork meat.
It's a tradition back in my country,
Romania. Thanks for visit and comments. Your endive looks great!!!
I only make fresh salad or I use them for decoration.
XO, Nina
I have never had braised endives before, sounds divine! I will look this book up on amazon.
Oh Yum! Crispy proscuitto sounds fabulous paired with endives.
That looks so yummy! I love the idea of putting an egg on it!
I've only ever had endive when it is raw, this sounds really delicious, especially topped with an egg...of course I love anything topped with an egg. :)
Never had endives; never will get them here...but yours look ever so GOOD! WOW!!
This sounds (and looks) really good, Sara. I have Molly Steven's book too, and it's one of my favourites. Have you tried her Vietnamese Caramel Ribs? Amazing!
A very belated happy new year :)
Dee - I haven't tried that recipe yet, but I did make the five spice ribs. They were good, but not amazing.
Never tried this before, looks great though!
Sara you have a great blog! Thanks for stopping by mine today. That endive looks delicious. I'll have to try that!
do you say "in-dive" or "on-deev"? i've heard both ways, but the latter sounds so snooty...
great creation, sara. :)
That's something I love! A delicious dish!
This looks and sounds so delicious. I've not heard of braising endives - will share this with my fil and see if he wants to try it
thanks for sharing
I've never cooked endive before. Yours turned out great. I can't wait to try it.
Grace - I pronounce it "ehn-dive", but I think there are multiple pronunciations that are correct.
I have never thought to cook endive before. I am learning so much from all my food blogger friends! This recipe looks so gourmet! Thanks for sharing.
I've been wanting to try endive, and this recipe really looks good. Thanks for posting it.
I was looking at endive at my local market the other day and didn't buy it because I couldn't think what to do with it.
Now I know. This looks like a delicious side dish.
I always forget about endive! This looks like a wonderful recipe with so many variations
That sounds great! I've never heard of braised endive, but it looks good!
Hi Sarah
Your dish looks delicious.
You always have wonderful food posts.
Ana x
I can't belieive I've never had endive. This recipe looks like a good start for me - I could make a meal of it!
Delish. Prosciutto makes everything good.
oh my! this makes me wanna braiseeeeee
Wow this sounds good, and sometimes I wonder what the heck to do with endive...other than serve something on it fresh...out side the box cooking is what I like!
Thanks for coming over, I will keep an eye on your blog...
hi sara! :) thanks for the comment..i'm not sure if endive is available here in the phils. but your recipe looks really yummy :) i love anything with prosciutto :)
I've never tried this before but it looks delicious!
Would you believe I've never cooked with endive. There was a really interesting recipe in Martha Stewart Living this month that intrigued me and this one has as well. May have to give it a try soon!
It looks very good. I love the idea of a fried egg with it.
ur blog is a haven of delish recipes....glad i stumbled upon it.
couldn't be happier to say "hi".
This sounds really good! I want to do more braising this year. It sounds very simple and a great way to prep but I haven't tried it!
Looks delicious! I've never had endives before actually, wonder how it tastes like.
Braised endives with ham is a traditional, rustic French dish, usually made with bechamel and gruyère sprinkled on top and made with a more ordinary type of ham. My Mother-in-law made it often. Yours, on the other hand, looks so much more elegant, more inviting and really delicious. You take this dish to another level.
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