This pancake recipe from the Mesa Grill cookbook is a fun twist on an old favorite. I don't know of anyone who doesn't love blueberry pancakes. Bobby Flay combines blue cornmeal with traditional pancake ingredients for a delicious and unique rendition. You'd think that with living in the Bay Area, I'd have all kinds of specialty ingredients readily available. That's not always the case - I had to try five different stores before I found blue cornmeal. Hopefully you'll have better luck! That being said, there's no reason why you can't make this recipe with yellow cornmeal.
If you can get your hands on some fresh blueberries, feel free to use them. If not, frozen works just as well. I highly recommend using frozen wild blueberries - the wild blueberries are much smaller and distribute better in the pancakes. I topped these with a wild blueberry sauce, but they're just as good with maple syrup.

I love pancake and have been making it during weekends. I'm going to try to make this pancake soon, thanks for sharing the recipe :) Now, gotta find yellow cornmeal.
Ooh, cornmeal pancakes! I bet the cornmeal adds a nice subtle texture and flavor. I've been to Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill in Vegas for brunch, and it was delish, so I bet this recipe is great.
I've always loved the combo of blueberries and cornmeal...these pancakes look awesome!
i've never had cornmeal pancakes, but i think that blueberry sauce is enough to make people try ANYTHING!
have you ever met bobby flay? i heard he was a real flirt!
Blueberry pancakes...yum!! I love anything with blueberries. I've never had cornmeal pancakes but I am definitely going to make these as soon as I empty some of the other breakfast goodies from my freezer.
cornmeal in pancakes? i can't imagine what that would taste like, but it sounds like a good idea!! i'm imagining cornbread in pancake form with fruit....i'll have to try this. and thanks for the tip on the wild blueberries :)
anyone who hates blueberry pancakes is INSANE!!!!!!! these sound yummy! i love the blue cornmeal.
I really don't know anyone that can readily pass up on a blueberry pancake! Will definitely give this recipe a try and browse the book next time I'm at the bookstore!
Hurray I have been looking for a good Blueberry and Blue Cornmeal pancake! I found Blue Corn some time ago and have been waiting!
This looks so good, can't wait to make these next weekend!
This sounds so good...I need to drag out my blue corn flour I finally found here...well I had to order it...the NE does not know what they are missing with this dish! Flapjacks south west style...
Cornmeal pancakes sound really yummy and excellent with blueberries!
I'm going to have to make blueberry pancakes this week. And you're right - the frozen wild blueberries work great in pancakes - muffins too!
I can't wait to make these! All things Bobby Flay never seem to disappoint. I was so excited a few years ago, when I went on a business trip to Vegas, and had the opportunity to visit Mesa Grill- that excitement was short lived when at the last minute, my co-workers decided that Toby Keith's restaurant would be a better choice- NOT!
hey, I just had pancakes today too! I've never used blue corn in mine, but that sounds awesome!
Blue and blue! Double blue pancakes! this sounds so freaking amazing, I can't wait to make this! I love cornmealy baked goods because of its gritty texture, and I love pancakes, so this sounds perfect to me!
thanks for sharing the recipe.
What fantastic pancakes! They look ever so tempting!
OK, I'm reading this at breakfast time and am now drooling. That photo is very cruel!!!!!
Yum-a great reminder to make pancakes on the weekend :) We don't have blue corn readily available here I'm afraid so mien won't quite be a lovely as yours!
MMM, I have my idea for next weekend. They sound delicious, awesome photo!! Cornmeal sounds likea great surprise choice ingredient!!
Lovely pancakes - I use use some of these now for a late night snack.
I have been on a hunt for blue cornmeal for a week now. Not really trying, but just checking every store I go into. I guess I'm going to have to turn to the internet (I want to make blue cornmeal & blueberry muffins). And once I find it, I'll be sure to make these pancakes!
I have never worked with blue corn meal but that sounds so interesting. I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the store. You're blueberry sauce looks fantastic.
I love pancakes yours look and sound wonderful.
That blueberry sauce looks great...I'm picturing it on some homemade ice cream.
Pancakes have always been something I've had trouble mastering. However, I haven't totally given up on them. I made pancakes for my husband a couple of weeks ago and they were my most successful yet, so I'm feeling more adventurous.
I've never attempted cornmeal ones though, and I love love love cornmeal in things. I would defiitely try these. It would be like little blueberry muffins!
Cornmeal and blueberries are so great together. Your pancakes look amazing!
We need to have breakfast at your house! These look so yummy!
Cornmeal pancakes...a very interesting idea. I have yellow cornmeal so will try that first.
Love the blueberry topping.
They look fabulous - I can't wait for our farmer's markets to open so we can get some uber-fresh blueberries.
blue cornmeal??? I've never even heard about it! I'll totally keep an eye out though. I LOVE pancakes :)
I would love this for breakfast - they look so tasty!
Blue Cornmeal? I never knew such a thing existed, will look out for it. The pancakes look awesome :-)
Ooo! Those look good. What a great combo! I'll bet they were delicious!
thanks for the lovely comment! if you do really try the souffle omelet, please let me know! I'd love to know how it turned out!
Right now my freezer is filled with blueberries from August last year. I need to use them up before summer.
I love blueberry pancakes, but I can't get blue cornmeal here.They look really good though!
Oh these are so pretty! What a great combo!
At this time of the year I do have blueberries in the freezer. Love your pancakes.
How cool is this? I love pancakes and I just saw blue cornmeal at Bob's RedMill store this weekend and was wondering what i could make!! These look great!!
I had blueberry pancakes this weekend too! :) I love the idea of using cornmeal in the batter. I bet that combination is insane!
Once again, I'm all over that.
we usually do pancakes on weekends. & sometimes do a berry compote;-)
but the corn meal pancakes are new!
The blueberry sauce is gorgeous!
Yum on that blueberry sauce....I never make cornmeal pancakes...but knowing Bobby Flay I'm sure they're fantastic. Perfect weekend breakfast...lunch...or dinner!
Yes, blueberries in pancakes is a good thing. The blue cornmeal is really awesome. That's something we have to find.
I have been eyeing that cookbook - these look fantastic!
I love Bobby Flay and blueberries! These look delicious!
Oh yum! I have this book - and haven't cooked from it yet - thanks for showing us what treasures are in there!
I'm going to try this - the wild blueberries don't come out till June - so I will have an excuse to do it again. I still have frozen from (gulp) last summer. Time to use it. And finding blue corn meal could be an adventure!
Goodness these look soooo good! yumminess!
I just put cornmeal in my scones and now your putting it in your pancakes. Great minds think alike. Do you thin you could make those for me and the kids, say next weekend? ;)
yum! blueberry and corn goes great together (I love blueberry pie with cornmeal crust). I'll have to try these@
Now this is my kind of breakfast!
Those blueberry pancakes look fantastic, and I love the cornmeal twist! Also, Sara, you beat me to the punch, I was going to tell you that you needed to pick up the award, but you saw it before I could comment!
Love the way your pancakes look! I'll be trying them soon...
I was on a quest for blue cornmeal for the Mesa Grill savory corn muffins. I finally found some, and now I can't remember which store! (The muffins are great, btw.)
I love blue corn! These sound so good. Sometimes it's hard to find so I just mail order.
I am so excited to find your web page. What beautiful photography and wonderful recipes!!! The little radish sandwiches are BEAUTIFUL. I'll be back often.
I've never had cornmeal pancakes but they are now a must try for me!!
Now THAT's the perfect way to start the day -- yummy! about blue corn pancakes with blueberries AND maple syrup AND blueberry sauce? that's what i want right now. :)
Yum--there's nothing quite like a blueberry pancake.
Never tried cornmeal pancakes, they sounds great, love the blueberry sauce.
I love blueberries and it makes me so happy to be seeing them all over the place.
Award for you, come by.
I make pancakes every sunday. These would be a nice change.
Beautiful picture Sara! These pancakes look so fluffy and sweet... mmm!
I adore all kinds of berries and I'm sure I'd love blueberries as well if we had any here. These pancakes sound scrumptious. Yum!
I'm so sad I did not get to go to Mesa Grill :( The recipe looks great, and so do the flowers in your other post.
The pancakes look amazing - what a wonderful flavor combination! I think I'll skip my standard omlet this weekend and warm up the griddle instead :)
Pearl - I saw him at Mesa Grill in Las Vegas, but didn't actually have a conversation with him.
LaDue - I love Mesa Grill, I go every time I'm in Vegas.
Culinary Wannabe - If you find blue cornmeal, try Bobby's blue and yellow corn muffins too, they're great.
I had a feeling this was a Bobby Flay recipe. He always talks about blue cornmeal in iron chef or something. Sounds great!
Mmm, these pancakes sound delicious! I love the idea of using blue cornmeal. How fabulous. Where did you end up finding the blue cornmeal, by the way?
I just ordered some blue cornmeal online- I love blue corn pancakes~
I love pancake.. thanks for sharing.. delicious combination with blueberries.. yummy ..:)
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